#greek mythology fanart
zeepz-art · 2 days
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If you make one wrong move, then you’re done for
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unbizzarre · 11 months
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Young Odysseus introduces his son to the goddess Athena
(Alternative title: Telemachus meets his fairy Godmother)
Creator’s note:
Does this picture look blurry to you? Like even if you click on the image to enlarge it? I don’t know why but I can’t seem to get tumblr to show the full resolution image. I worked hard to make faces that actually look like faces for once but now they’re just blurry blobs 😭. Anybody know how to fix? EDIT: thank you all for the feedback! I’m glad it is not blurry for you!
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cityoftheangelllls · 5 months
Here it is: my completed first Greek mythology series!
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Which one is your favorite?
Commissions info
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matustheus · 8 months
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Hermes and his Lightning McQueen sneakers KACHOW
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heebee-jeebies · 2 months
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She's about to give him the most uncalled for relationship advice that'll have him refusing to speak to her for 7 years (it was completely called for. He needs help)
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mysticmiav · 7 months
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Really digging this Hermes design
Gonna clean it up cuz I also just like the look of the whole thing lol also his fingertips are supposed to be golden tipped and his lower lip too but it'll look clearer once I clean it up I think
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whotfletamothhyperfx · 5 months
Wanted to draw them in my style
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cleanbutsalty · 1 year
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In an alternate universe he’s BEST FRIENDS with colin robinson.
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4uru · 2 months
Diomedes of Argos
Based on this post
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Taglist: @chaosandtwo @quantummeep @thevagabondexpress @lesbocrocker @faithfromanewperspective @tleeaves @backpackingspace @ellilyre @still-mourning-polites
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shamster · 1 month
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A picture drawn moments before disaster.
Achilles and Patroclus based on Madeline Miller's novel "Song of Achilles".
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francarieq · 5 days
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Phoebus Apollo! ꩜
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lalalalupia · 9 months
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no children of the labyrinth escaped out alive.
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katerinaaqu · 25 days
Odyssey Parallels to my "Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty" story (Rhapsody /Book 5 of Odyssey, Calypso's Monolog)
So here is a small break down of one of my most beloved fanfictions of Odyssey line by line from Calypso's monolog in 5th rhapsody of the Odyssey where she complains to Hermes for demanding to let Odysseus go, listing what she did for him. I find interesting how she speaks of the things she indeed DID do for him as if that somehow makes him her "property" or rather having a right on him (or as my brilliant friend @artsofmetamoor stated "like she was keeping a cat!" XD) Buckle up this analysis is long! XD
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And I was the one to save him, while he was alone holding onto the ship's keel, for his fast ship was split open in the middle of the wine-dark sea by Zeus's thunder!
(Translation by me)
"Odysseus traveled once more; this time alone and grabbing upon the last remains of his beloved black ship… The night came cold and he was shivering. By the morning another storm caught up with him and his mast was once more drifted by the huge waves that resembled white top mountains, tearing apart his clothes and his flesh. And yet his hands endured… It was as if his heart and hands combined turned into oak or stones. The Man of many Torments endured. (From Part1)
Next day the sun was merciless over his head, sending him almost to the brief of hallucinations and heat as sweat was running down his already wounded body. The night the gods felt pity on him and sent a drizzle rain. Odysseus raised his head to the heavens trying to grab as much of the fresh god-sent water as if that would be enough to quench his insatiable thirst and the burning of the salt. Once a passing seaweed came close to him to which Odysseus made some sort of imitation of a meal for himself. How many times he nearly slipped off his life-raft he lost count…how many times he probably actually fainted on it he could no longer remember. And yet, the King of Ithaca endured…in strength that he had no idea he had. It was as if both his body and spirit had decided he had a duty to survive. He survived the agony and pain as well as the anxiety and fear every time something touched his foot beneath the waves or a passing fish would bite his legs. He had long stopped feeling much." (From Part 1)
"Therewith the worst came; a thunderbolt stroke the ship and the sudden flash and tremendous sound left them all blind and deaf. Odysseus screamed in pain shielding his ears. The ship cracked from side to side down in the middle; splintering in the winds like it was a pile of leaves." (From Part 1) => [This moment more graphically described by Odysseus himself in 12th rhapsody]
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There all his goodly companions perished and the winds and waves brought him here!
(Translation by me)
"By night before the tenth day of his painful journey he had collapsed. He didn’t feel the sand beneath his body as his raft finally beached at a sandy beach. He didn’t move as some crab or beach beetle walked over his sea-beaten body. By dawn some hints of his consciousness returned. It was only for a brief second that the rays of sun touched his salt-crusted cheek but Odysseus saw or at least he thought he saw a tall slender figure picking something up from the beach many meters away from him (maybe a seashell). The figure turned towards him and walked there. And then everything turned black…" (From Part 1)
"He yelled till his throat was sore…till his voice was gone…he sobbed and cried tears almost as plenty as the waves of the sea. The storm was roaming around him… There was no one there to hear his lament… His voice was carried around by the wind…his tears were washed away by sea and rain…His body was borne by the direful winds… Six hundred men had started that fateful journey… Now there was only one… Now he was alone." (From Part 1)
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I took him in with care and love and gave him food, I even told him I would make him immortal and ageless for all eternity!
(Translation by me)
"She slid her arm behind his back and half-raised him with unexpected strength, bringing the goblet to his lips. As the liquid touched those thirsty, dry lips, Odysseus gained strength anew to his arms; the type of strength you get when you need to survive. He greedily downed sips from the drink and aimed to hold it with his weak, shaking hands. He tasted the sweetest drink he ever thought he would taste; it was sweeter than honey, smoother than wine. It was all the tastes he ever knew and none at the same time. He coughed as the drink went down the wrong way but he drank more ignoring some that escaped his lips and down the thick layer of curly hair that adorned his wide chest. He was thirsty! He was thirsty to the point of madness!" (From Part 2)
"“My maids shall bring you some food, Odysseus. I believe you are strong enough to eat now. Nectar and potions we created should allow you to heal to that point” “I am grateful, beautiful goddess…” “Rest and regain your strength first” Calypso advised sweetly, “The rest shall come…”" (From Part 2)
"The weeks passed and Odysseus was indeed trying his best to keep himself in good condition. A few days more and he could walk about Calypso’s grotto without any problems and soon he felt gaining his old strength back. Eventually he got out of the grotto and got to explore the isle around and know his surroundings. Under the tender care of Calypso and her maids, Odysseus felt like finding himself again. He gained the weight he lost by his cruel misadventures and managed to built his previous physical strength." (From Part 2)
"“You nearly lost your life out there, darling… Why must you torment yourself over them? Why must your heart always mourn? Forget about this…mortal coil. Stay here with me…stay and rest, finally, Odysseus… You shall not want of anything here… I could offer you the gift of immortality… Never shall you fear sickness or death again! Never shall you find yourself in the same pitiful state that you were when you first showed up at my doors! You shall be my equal! All you need to do is ask…” (From Part 3) => [also remembering the first rhapsodies how Athena says t the council of the gods that Calypso aims to make him forget his homeland]
So yeah... I tried my best to follow the Odyssey but of cource details filled in by me! For those interested the three parts of this story are here!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
And of course viewe's discression is advised given the hard hemes it includes (yes it includes the mention of SA so yeah...sad and dark stuff)
My Calypso fanart based on my story
My Odysseus fanart based on my stories
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matustheus · 1 year
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bigglecakes · 1 year
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messenger god / trickster god
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mommy-medusa · 2 months
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A mother before a monster.
incredible art is by @neotomiccccc!! they were super kind when i commissioned them and are amazingly talented! please go check them out!
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